The whole world is full of the glory of God, and tonight I have seen His glory sparkle in my house, and I am inspired to share how such an awesome revelation has come to pass from the knowledge of God.
We spend a lot of time doing the things we need to do to survive and live in this world. We are always thinking about the things we need and how to get them in our possession, or it is about how we feel and how to hold on to those feelings if they are good or change them if they displease us. The jobs, the relationships, the money, the possessions, all the things in the world can never meet or give us that which we truly and inherently desire- God.
Believer or not, whether we realize it or not, we are all searching for the same thing- God and a knowledge Him. Sadly unbeknownst to most this is the only thing that will truly and permanently satisfy our souls.
“The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”
We do not have to look very far to find Him. He is not in a particular worship house or present on Sundays only. He appears not only in the morning when we wake, or at night before we sleep. Remember his name is I AM, not “I was” or “I will be.” He is ever present, He is here now, He is here forever. So look into your soul, answer His call and dedicate your mind to seek, study, learn and know Him.
When know Him, then His glory is reflected through our lives and affects the lives of others. We need to spend quiet time with Him and in Him until we are so filled with His presence and glory that it reflects all about us.
However, to begin this journey, is to accept Jesus Christ.