Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is there anything too hard for the Lord?

"Never was God so Godlike as when Jesus died upon the Cross! Never was Omnipotence so potent as when He died that men might live, crushing the old dragon as He bled, leading captivity captive while He was, Himself, bound to the accursed tree, casting death into an eternal grave..." CHS

God has done tremendous things and has displayed his power, and proudly so countless times in the Bible. We read of how He created the Heavens and the Earth from nothing, how He fed three million people for 40 years on food from above, how He destroyed those who disobeyed Him in a flood and how, (from the quote above) He saved mankind from death by demonstrating His love through the death of His Son on the cross. And it is not just the big things that He can do, He even has power over the little things: He takes care of the birds in the air, He ensures that the plants are blooming without effort (Math 6:26); and even He sent ravens to feed Elijah.

Now when we think of our problems for which we cry to God ever so often and doubt seems to over take us, let us remember the paragraph above, (the details of which we should read more on from the Bible). For be it, hunger, financial difficulty, a dwindling ministry, loneliness, little faith, addiction or any and all of our trials, - there is nothing too hard for the Lord.

Therefore, let us trust, believe and exercise our faith. Let us live in hope, love and joy knowing that everything and anything when put before our Father in Heaven, is possible because and through His Son Jesus Christ. Let us serve Him, rejoice in Him and live as free men in Christ, because out God is a big God, such that in times of trial and pain in our physical circumstances, we see, joy, victory and the glory of God reflecting through each and everything we do, think and say.

Written after a night of meditation on the fear of doubt creeping in from unfavorable circumstances regarding the very thing for which i am praying for for the last 10 days.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Priorities…priorities (Cont’d)

I have, for two days, been searching the scriptures, praying and meditating on how to seek God, and now I believe i have found the answer and it is this simple…God will help us to seek Him!

I believe that, there is not only one way, one written way in stone in which we can seek Him, because we all have a different relationship and experience with Him. All he needs from us is the expression of the desire, the hunger, the thirst for Him.

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.” Jn 7

We need to go to God, heavy with a deep intense thirst for Him and He will satisfy our thirst- “and the water that I give them will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” For we may not know how to absolutely surrender to Him, we may not know what to do or not to do or even how to seek Him. However, we have the assurance that:

“it is God that worketh in us, both to do and will of His good pleasure” Phil 2

- This is what we should seek. As Andrew Murray says:

“ go on our faces before God, until our hearts learn to believe that the everlasting God Himself will come in to turn out what is wrong, to conquer what is evil, and to work what is well-pleasing in His blessed sight. God Himself will work it in you.”

Remember Abraham, all he did was believe, then God made him righteous:

“Abram believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness.” Gen 15

He did not do anything, or use his intelligence to do good works. He simply believed in God’s promises and he received righteousness. Oh how I have searched for righteousness in the past thinking I needed work for it by my might! But if we only go to God, even with our feeble and fearful hearts and say “God I am willing, make me willing”. He will remove all our fears, and replace it with the boldness to say “I can conquer everything!”

God will help us to surrender, He can, and He will.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Priorities, priorities…

Jesus gave us our priorities in life. If we do nothing else, but first- Seek the Kingdom of God, and second- Seek the righteous of God, then all things- not some things, or a few things or most things; but ALL things, we be added to unto us.

In life, we need many things. We need basics like food, shelter, clothing- luxuries like love, cellphones, TV, Internet etc. Sadly we do not have enough time to do and have all we want to have. So we spend waste time chasing this and that. I know someone who keeps saying “life is hard”, and I keep telling him it isn’t. But come to think of it, how can life be easy when we want everything and have to get it ourselves? Of course it will be hard- very hard actually, especially considering man’s average potential.

Jesus knew this, and hence he said “Seek ye first the Kindgom of God”. As in, forget what u want, and need, and desire; seek the Kingdom of God- FIRST.

Priorities. We need to know what our priorities are. Before our husbands, parents, children, job, before anything- God’s Kingdom needs to come first. It is the No.1 Priority!

The question then is: How do we seek the Kingdom of God?

Friday, March 4, 2011


Until today, I have been under the delusion that love is a feeling.

Now I am talking of real love, not the eros or philia-the kinds which I now know do not last and are both selfish; but the real selfless agape love as commanded to us by God. I have waited a long, long time for someone to love me, [the proverbial “right person”] and all I have gotten is the roller-coaster, short-lived eros, philia type that has left me more drained than fulfilled.

Love is an art, it can be learnt and the real love still loves even when there is nothing in return. (1 Cor. 13: 5).

People end marriages mbu “I just do not love her anymore”- men say. The Bible commands “Husbands, love your wives”; thus if you do not love her, you are disobeying God! Funny, I have never heard a woman say that she is ending her marriage because she does not submit her husband anymore- seeing that we women are commanded to submit ourselves to our husbands.

Love is action. It can be demonstrated. If I say “I love John Smith”, he would not know it lest I show it. I would need to do or not do(for that matter) certain things for him to “see” my love; but with this feeling-based love, how would one see these so-called feelings? Love should be action-based, not feeling-based. Do (act) first and the feelings will follow.

The God-commanded love, the Agape Love is the one and only solid basis for marriage. In marriage one loves, even when they will not be loved in return- selflessly. Of course I am no authority on marriage, but if my newly acquired knowledge on love is any qualification to go by, I can say now I know one of, if not the most important thing about marriage.

“Love is not a feeling, love is a decision you make and continue to make in order to create an experience that is described as love. Love is an action that if you don't use it you lose it. Love is like any communication, if you never send it out, you won’t get a return. Love is something you give to others not something you feel because something happens to you.”

Remember love is not a feeling!

Have I finally realized the truth about love, how to have it, how to create it and how to sustain it? Maybe…

…and what is the point of having all this knowledge if I do not share it with the world. So here you go world!