"Never was God so Godlike as when Jesus died upon the Cross! Never was Omnipotence so potent as when He died that men might live, crushing the old dragon as He bled, leading captivity captive while He was, Himself, bound to the accursed tree, casting death into an eternal grave..." CHS
God has done tremendous things and has displayed his power, and proudly so countless times in the Bible. We read of how He created the Heavens and the Earth from nothing, how He fed three million people for 40 years on food from above, how He destroyed those who disobeyed Him in a flood and how, (from the quote above) He saved mankind from death by demonstrating His love through the death of His Son on the cross. And it is not just the big things that He can do, He even has power over the little things: He takes care of the birds in the air, He ensures that the plants are blooming without effort (Math 6:26); and even He sent ravens to feed Elijah.
Now when we think of our problems for which we cry to God ever so often and doubt seems to over take us, let us remember the paragraph above, (the details of which we should read more on from the Bible). For be it, hunger, financial difficulty, a dwindling ministry, loneliness, little faith, addiction or any and all of our trials, - there is nothing too hard for the Lord.
Therefore, let us trust, believe and exercise our faith. Let us live in hope, love and joy knowing that everything and anything when put before our Father in Heaven, is possible because and through His Son Jesus Christ. Let us serve Him, rejoice in Him and live as free men in Christ, because out God is a big God, such that in times of trial and pain in our physical circumstances, we see, joy, victory and the glory of God reflecting through each and everything we do, think and say.
Written after a night of meditation on the fear of doubt creeping in from unfavorable circumstances regarding the very thing for which i am praying for for the last 10 days.